Monday, November 05, 2007

Death of Regional Langauge

With increased literacy and spoken English, large population of India has started to think in English. The language you think in, perhaps has a major influence on the culture, aspirations and dreams. The fundamental reason why English is preferred in India, is due to the colonial lineage followed by the economic prosperity the language brings in form of jobs. The recent phenomenon is the Accent, which brings BPO jobs from UK and US.

So what happens to our regional languages? Do they die?

I think its time to market languages. The reason why English is accepted is because it brings employment, helps in meeting the physiological needs such as food, shelter, clothing etc.

So where can regional language compete? I feel its no point for Regional Languages trying to compete on the plane of Physiological needs. Regional languages must carve out a habitat for itself in the field of emotional and self actualization levels.

Let us look at how we communicate in our relationships, parent-child, husband-wife, siblings...
We start to communicate in our regional language but then start accepting English as the medium of written communication but prefer using regional language just at a speaking medium. Now if there is strong shift to eradicate the written communication in relationships from English to Regional language, then perhaps these languages might stand the test of time.

So how do we achieve this, perhaps it starts with the masses accepting the simplest fact that love must and always be expressed in regional language. This can be achieved with constant brainwashing in movies, soap operas where all written communication is shown Regional Language. Next shift is the parents writing letters to their child in Regional Language, wishes being conveyed from birthday to wedding anniversary in Regional Language.

Mass Publication of Linguistic Research from evolution of India with conclusion that Regional Language are the best medium to express complex Feelings and Emotions.

Ancient Languages must carve out an aggressive roadmap for propagating their existence in the field of self actualization. For Hindus, on their journey of self actualization must see Sanskrit and Paali as the closest medium to reach their destination. For Muslims it can be Urdu, Similarly Punjabi for Sikhs. With constant push by Religious Heads exercising that real meaning of scriptures and religion is understood only in ancient languages.

From many years, I believe that India must have a strong Inter-State student exchange program, where in formative years, the child is exposed to different India, learns more languages, more cultures and becomes more secular and understands the true spirit of India.

Similarly central government must carve out policies creating a competitive environment between states to ensure literature study. The only threat I see, is, by the day when Internet and computer reaches every home, Many Indian languages might just be spoken and with no written use.
Hence emerges greater dependence on Technology which shall enable people to express their feelings, the shift has to be from QWERTY keyboard to online keyboards for regional language.

One of the good initiatives from Ministry of Communications and Information Technology-The Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC),, is iLEAP Indian Language processor, but I believe this software must be clubbed with Microsoft Office and given to every computer in India.

The survival of Regional Languages now depends on the initiatives taken by its users.

Jai Hind,

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